Thursday, July 1, 2010


The definitions for networking are many… the bottom line is;
Networking = the opportunity to build relationships.

N- Never sell when networking!

E –Earn people’s interest before exchanging business cards

T- Talk with people, not at people

W- Wear a Smile!

W- “Wherever you go, there you are.”…so network!

O- Open body language, non verbal communication says it all.

R- Resource; be the one for connecting others.

K- Keep focused on your network strategy.

I- Information; gather it for your referral partners and referral sources.

N- “Net-xcitement,” its contagious…don’t get caught up in buying and selling, avoid the “morning- after dilemma”. Schedule a business meeting to buy or sell.

G- Giver’s Gain, The BNI Credo; learn it, live it, love it!

G- GO!...don’t just talk about Networking…GO do it!

***This is just a sample!... if you would like a "full-slice" of passion, be sure to indulge yourself in my upcoming book,
"Pecan Pie", fresh from the oven, early this fall!...stay tuned!!!
“Copyright (7-1-2010) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

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