Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Story

***Reposting from 2010***

It was 5:00 pm Christmas Eve 1989, and I was locking the front door of the supermarket where I was Store Manager.

Over the years, I had made it a tradition for me to be the "closer" of the store on Christmas Eve.

Inside the store, my employees were rushing around counting their register tills, sweeping the floor, and generally preparing the store for closing down, so they all could rush home to their families for Christmas.

At approximately 5:30pm, I heard someone tapping on the front door.

“I just got off work and I need to shop for my family", the gentleman on the other side of the glass door shouted.

“Sorry, we are closed.” I answered.

“Please, I really need to shop and you are the only grocery store open.”

In the background several of my employees yelled out to me… “Mr. Gambone, I hope you don’t let him in, we all want to go home.”

I turned to my office manager and said , “Cindy, I feel bad for this guy…will you stick around with me until we get him checked out.”

She looked at me with a frown, “Well, I hope he only needs a few things, OK.”

We let him in…he was very gracious, grabbed a buggy and started to shop.

“I’ll only take a few minutes,” he said.

Then all of a sudden, he turned around and looked at Cindy and me in desperation… “Shit!..I’m sorry for swearing, but I left my wallet in my overalls at work….I can’t believe this!!!”

He abandoned the buggy and started walking towards the front door to leave.

Cindy looked at me and said… “Well, I guess we can leave now.”

“Hold on!” I said… “Sir, you pick up what you need and come back the day after Christmas and pay us.”

Cindy looked at me as if I was crazy. The gentleman was overjoyed and continued to shop.

When he completed his shopping, Cindy and I checked him out and bagged his groceries. He purchased lots of milk, cereal, bread and basic groceries along with some gift-wrap and children’s toys.

We wished him a Merry Christmas as he left and Cindy and I locked up and went home to our families.

...............the gentleman never returned...................

Yes, I took some heat from my boss when he found out…but that’s okay. I knew in my heart that it was right thing to do at the time.

It is moments like this is my life when I am reminded of the words a mentor of mine once shared with me early in my career...“The good you do, will come back to you.” Lou Z.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may you and your family have a glorious New Year.

Bob Gambone, The Pecan Pie Guy!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

SMART Goals- A New Look For 2013

S- Specific is Terrific. Remember your Team will help you reach your goals only when they can focus.
 KISS: Keep It Simple and Specific.

M- Measurable and shared goals not only get accomplished but also get improved. Keep your Team informed by systematically sharing your Goals versus Actual (current condition).

A- Attainable based on competition, benchmarks and proven practices. Accountability is key! Create a system with your Team and / or Accountability Partner.

RRealistic and Relating  to YOU and YOUR business and life. You need to ask yourself,  is this something that YOU really want to achieve? Will accomplishing this Goal be fulfilling to YOU?

T- Time framing your Goals will help keep YOU and YOUR TEAM accountable and disciplined. You need to have an END in sight, or your SIGHT will never end.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bob Gambone's Leadership Quotes

10 Favorites from BG, BG-MUSE, and Ed Gambone Sr.

"Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is not accepting fear as an excuse."

"By not making a decision, you have made one."

"Call it a problem and it will BE one. Call it an opportunity and you will HAVE one."

"We learn from our yesterdays, we live for our tomorrows."

"Passion is an attitude. Passion combined with wisdom is a road map to success."

"Leadership is giving;  Giving people the opportunity to do things they may not necessarily WANT to do, but NEED to do."

"If your memories are bigger than your future, then its time to turn things around."

"Managers get work done BY people. Leaders get work done With people."

"The best leaders know when to let other leaders,  lead."

"Do what you love, love what you do, and share that love with everyone."

BONUS ~ "Inspiration is inspired by the inspired."

Copyright  2012 by Robert V Gambone Sr.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Winner - Whiner Chart

             While Whiners Say...         Winners Say...
                                     I guess.        Yes!
                       That looks okay.         That looks terrific.
                             No Problem.         My Pleasure.
             This isn't a half bad day.        What a beautiful day this is.
                                   I'll try to...      I will...
I've never done it that way before.      I can't wait to try it that way.
              I don't mind helping you.      Sure I'll help you.
       No thank you I can handle it.       Yes, I would love some help.
                          It can't be done.      Sounds like a challenge.
                   We're not good as...        We're as good as we think we are
                 I don't know how to...       Up to now I've not been able to...
              I hope I don't blow this!       Watch me make this work.
              Boy did I just blow this!       I just learned one more way not to
 I'm not appreciated around here.       It's fun to do a great job.
                     We're understaffed.      We always get it done! Amazing!
    Let somebody else deal with it.       Here's my chance to contribute.
                Isn't it five o'clock yet?      You mean it's quitting time already

Monday, December 3, 2012

Teamwork Test

How's your Teamwork?

Answer YES or NO to the following 10 questions.*

1. Do you believe work teams improve communication?

2. Do you believe working in teams increases productivity?

3. Has communication between you and your business associates improved?

4. Do you enjoy the work you do?

5. Though you may not always agree with your team members, do you respect them overall?

6. Do you believe your team is making positive contributions towards the ultimate goal?

7. Do you strive for good relations with your fellow team members?

8. Has your motivation increased?

9. Has working with others helped broaden your perspective?

10. Has teamwork helped bring out the best in you?

Score yourself:
8 to 10 YES answers shows that you "get-it" when it comes to teamwork.
5 to 7 YES answers demonstrates opportunity for improvement. Seek advise from a Team Dynamic Expert.
Less than 5 YES answers? ... check your pulse.

* Teamwork notes

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Entrepreneurs need a “Secret Recipe”

Entrepreneurial experts around the world continue to debate over why small businesses fail, however they do agree on one thing; now more than ever entrepreneurs need to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.***

We have all heard the buzzwords:


“Point of Difference” (POD)

“Unique Selling Proposition” (USP)

“Secret Recipe” (from yours truly)

Think about this; every Fortune 500 company has a brand, a trademark and a tagline. Did you ever ask yourself, why?... Yes!...we all know the answer!
Because it is a fundamental business strategy!

So why do millions of entrepreneurs fail to create a “Secret Recipe”?

David F. D’Alessandro (best selling author ) says it best:

~ A business based on brand is, very simply, a business primed for success. ~

***Sources: Small Business Administration,,


Monday, November 19, 2012

Strange But True! Thanksgiving Stories- Very Funny

You can’t make this stuff up!

Three bizarre stories from my store manager days.

1). Irate customer phone call:
“Hello is this the store manager?”
“Yes, this is Bob the store manager, how can I help you?”
“You’re dam right you can help me…I’m about ready to call the F***ing police!!!”
“I’m sorry sir, what happen?”
“Someone placed a very sharp dangerous dart into our turkey, and I almost ate the frickin’ thing!”
“Really?, can you describe it?
“Yes, it’s white, about 3 inches long and has a sharp tip.”
“Sir…I think that might be the Pop-Up Timer?”
……long pause, then nothing…customer hung up.

2). Irate customer approached me with a bag in her hands:
“Excuse me, are you the store manager?”
“Why yes, how can I help you?”
“Here, you take this bag…and I want a double your money back on the turkey, it was terrible!”
“Ma’am, this bag is filled with empty bones.”
“That’s right, I had people over for Thanksgiving…we had to eat something!”

3). Customer phone call…she is whispering:
“Hello, store manager?”
“Yes, this is Bob, how may I help you?”
“ I wanted to call you first before I notified your regional office so you can check the other turkeys.”
“Check the other turkeys?”
“Yes…I was cleaning my turkey and getting it ready, and I found a bag of stuff in the turkey, I don’t know what it is, it looks like parts of rats or something…I think someone is trying to poison people, you know like that Tylenol thing.”
“I’m sorry this has frightened you, do you still have the packing and cooking instructions?, sometimes they are on the outside cover.”
“How about reading them to me. I want to make sure you got all the details.”
“Don’t give me the run-around, I want something done about this!”
“Please, just read the instructions, thank you.”
…the next sound I heard was the dial tone.

Like I said…you can’t make this stuff up!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to Handle Customer Complaints

The LAST technique for handling customer complaints has been around for some time and you can Google to find several versions.

I have had great success with what I call the LAST-C Process.
Bottom Line: not only will you decrease customer complaints, you will gain more business as a result of using this process.

Acronym defined:

L- Listen


S-Suggest a Solution

T- Thank

C- Communicate

Want more information?  Read Bob's book...
 Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's book 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

10 Tips for Keeping Customers/Clients for Life

  1. The secret to winning and keeping customers / clients is to reward them. "Reward what you want repeated."
  2. Forget about selling. People love to buy but hate to be sold. Concentrate on helping customers / clients buy what's best for them.
  3. The greatest customer / client you'll ever win is you, because the best salesperson is the true believer.
  4. The only two things people ever buy are good feelings and solutions to problems.
  5. Remember, when you come in contact with a customer / client, YOU are the company brand.
  6. When it comes to service; walk the talk. "Well done is always better than well said."
  7. Ask: "how are we doing?" "how can we get better?"
  8. The 5 B's: Be reliable, Be credible, Be attractive, Be responsible, Be emphatic.
  9. Listen, Listen, Listen!
  10. Thank, thank, thank!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Whack Yourself!

Do you ever wonder why some members of your team always come up with new and unusual approaches to you never considered?

In the book A Whack on the Side of the Head, author Roger Von Oech offers the following four tips for jogging your mind from its mental rut.

1. Don't always look for the "one" right answer.

2. Don't always be a "Spock", its okay to be illogical at times.

3. Avoid the "yeah, but" thinking...instead think, "what if".

4. STOP thinking you're not creative! One of the major differences between creative people and non-creative people is that;  creative people pay attention to their small ideas, knowing they could lead to a big breakthrough.
"Believe in the worth of your ideas and have the persistence to build on them."

Thursday, October 25, 2012

"We hope to see you again, real soon!"

Companies that boast good customer service in most cases are missing one very important component that could really raise the bar; invite your customers to return.

The next time you visit a retailer, restaurant or any business, pay close attention to the final words you hear.

90% will offer a thank you, 5% will say nothing and only about 5% will thank you and then ask that you to return in the near future.

Step back, listen and observe…are you inviting your customers to return?
Asking your customers to come back can make a huge point of difference for your business.

You will need to practice this until it becomes a habit.
Say something like;  “Thank you and please come back and see us again real soon, mention 'Joe' when you return.” (one way you can measure the process)

“Copyright (10-25-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Saturday, October 20, 2012

1 2 4

Several decades ago, I was a young cocky manager who thought I knew it all.
After all, I just won manager of the month, scored a great bonus and received an awesome promotion.
An associate of mine, we will call her Mary, reached out to me at my awards celebration and said if I ever needed her help, just let her know.
Mary was my hero; keyword here is “was.” She was a leader, my mentor… but in my eyes, I had no need for her anymore.
“Thanks for the offer Mary, let me think about.”

Some twenty years later, I ran into Mary. She had left the company, started a new career and in my eyes, she was very successful. I of course boasted about my success and never even asked Mary how she was doing. Once again, she reached out to me and offered her help. Really, I thought… “Thanks for the offer Mary, let me think about it.”

Fast forward to today.
I was attending a business event, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Mary walking towards me. She seemed distraught. We engaged in conversation and it turns out that Mary was struggling with her business, had been for years and needed help. Help that I knew I could offer.
“Mary,” I said, “please let me help you.”
She looked at me and said, “Thanks for offer Bob, let me think about it.”
I left the event very frustrated and confused.

Lesson learned:
Leadership is giving, and when Mary offered me help, I shut the door before I had a chance to see what was on the other side, denying her the opportunity to give. Years later, she reciprocated…I think not to be revengeful, but since I never accepted her help, she probably thought my offer was not genuine.

Songwriter and poet James Durst once wrote:
“Help one another; there’s no time like the present and no present like the time.”

No matter how successful you are in business, when someone offers you help, accept it…help is giving…help is a gift.

This is my 124th blog posting

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Don't Tell It, Relive It!

We all know great storytellers.

Whether it is a family member, friend, or a business associate… when they speak, we listen and with great anticipation.

I have always been intrigued by a great storyteller because of their ability to retell a story over and over again while sustaining the attention of their audience…I attributed that skill to a great memory.

Well....about 8 months ago, I had an “Oh Wow!" moment.

I was privileged to be part of a training session conducted by Ivan R. Misner, PhD. (founder of BNI, the world’s largest networking organization).

Ivan had just completed telling a story to the class, one that I know I have heard him tell at least 3 times.

After the applause quieted down, I asked Ivan;
“Ivan, how do you do it? How do you retell a story over and over again with the same passion and enthusiasm?”

Ivan looked all of us in the eye and said… “Never retell a story, relive it!”

For more inspiring stories and leadership wisdom, please purchase my book---

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Job Burnout?

Though most people suffer from an occasional period of boredom or job burnout, the problem can be a serious one if it goes on for a long time.

Six leadership skills you need to break the grip of job burnout:*
  1. Take care of your physical being.
  2. Respond directly to difficulties and demands rather than avoiding them.
  3. Utilize the help and support of other people.
  4. Focus energy on mastering some part of a challenge rather than trying to do it all.
  5. Take time out to rethink your approach when things are not working out.
  6. Try to manage time more effectively
For more leadership wisdom,  please read my book---

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

Take This Job and Love It
“Copyright (10-3-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Thursday, September 27, 2012

When Are YOU Going To Get A REAL Job?!

Entrepreneurs! many times have you heard this?!
...and to make it worse, most of the time, the question comes from our family and loved ones.
Well, it is time to fight back!

Here are eight inspirational quotes from entrepreneurs , just like yourself, to use as ammo against the pessimists that challenge you.

"When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure."
- Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

"The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer."
- Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese's

"Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. It is capable of being presented as a discipline, capable of being learned, capable of being practiced. Entrepreneurs need to search purposefully for the sources of innovation, the changes and their symptoms that indicate opportunities for successful innovation. And they need to know and to apply the principles of successful innovation."
- Peter F. Drucker, "The Father of Modern Management"

"Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make."
- Donald Trump, real estate and entertainment mogul

"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."
- Debbi Fields, founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies

"Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain." ~ J. Susan

"Everyone falls, not everyone fails." D. Hardy

"I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others... I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent."
- Thomas Edison

AND....Just in case someone says to you,
"You're no Thomas Edison."
Simply reply..."You're right, but who was Thomas Edison before he became "Thomas Edison? "

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Team Dynamics - Which one are you?

Team dynamics fundamentally never change.
Yesterday I was reading an article about team dynamics, first published in the 1940s. Though the experts, yesterday and even today, don't agree on exactly how many roles there are and how to name them, 10 general personality types are consistently identified.

I personally witnessed this at BNI Leadership Training last week in several team exercises I facilitated.

*Here they are:

  1. Task Leader. May or may not be the designated leader; a nuts and bolts, roll-up-the-sleeves-and-get-busy-type.
  2. Social-emotional leader. Concerned with emotional heartbeat of the group; good at solving interpersonal problems.
  3. Tension-releaser. "Breaks the ice" with appropriate humor at the right moment.
  4. Information provider. Has research skills that stand out above all others. Could end up doing unfair amount of work.
  5. Central negative. Always plays the devil's advocate role in discussions but in a non-threatening manner.
  6. Questioner. Constantly seeks clarification and more information.
  7. Silent observer. Speaks little, observing and taking in all information. When he or she speaks up, people listen.
  8. Active listener. Listens attentively, sums up others' points of view. Good for keeping discussion on track.
  9. Recorder. Has good recording skills and little interest in participating in group discussion.
  10. Self-centered follower. Constantly questions opinions is a non-supportive way. Unlike the central-negative person, the self-centered follower is concerned only about personal interests.
So...which one are you?, or are you several?

For more team dynamic and leadership wisdom,  please read my book---

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

* Teamwork notes
“Copyright (9-23-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Saturday, September 15, 2012

How To Work Effectively In A Team*

A few weeks back a BNI (Business Network International) member asked me for some help with his "teamwork" skills.
He had been a sole proprietor for 15 years and new to BNI.
I told him that working as part of a team can be difficult for someone who has worked independently for a long time. Recognizing that you need to develop a team attitude is a good starting point, but the following quiz can help you refine your skills as a team member.

Answer yes or no to the following questions:

1. Do you give credit to others for their good ideas?
2. Do you admit your mistakes?
3. Do you communicate your concerns, questions, and ideas to the team?
4. Are the opinions of your fellow team members important to you?
5. Do you make sure others in your group are not surprised by anything relating to the work you're doing?
6. Are you interested in the suggestions made by your fellow team members?
7. Are you friendly with the members of your team?
8. Do you support group decisions?
9. Do you encourage others to do their best?
10. Do you feel success belongs to everyone on the team?

Score yourself: Eight to 10 YES answers indicates you are a good team player. If you scored lower, study the questions for ways to improve by reading my book,

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

* Teamwork notes

“Copyright (9-15-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Like" Your Competition!

"Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Competition Closer."

Sounds crazy, but this is really a very successful business strategy.

Lawyers and restaurant owners have been practicing this strategy for decades.

Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What do I do when someone needs my immediate service and my calendar is full with current customers/clients?
  • Who are the owners(names) of my three closest competitors?
  • Who are three of my competitors best clients / customers?
Learn more about the key tactics to this strategy in my book or email me at

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

“Copyright (9-12-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Friday, September 7, 2012

Carol’s 5-Step Recipe for Training

Before “Train the Trainer” (a company that patented a 4-Step Process in 1977) there was Carol the Deli Manager…the best trainer I ever met.

I was first introduced to her in 1973 when she was training employees for a new store opening. I was totally impressed with her unique training style.

Fast forward a few years later: Carol was the deli manager at a store that I was managing.
Carol’s performance appraisal and overall department rating was off the charts!
And…at a time of 60% employee turnover in deli departments, Carol’s department turnover was close to zero.

…because Carol trained her team so well that they never wanted to leave. Yes, the reality is there are many factors that cause employee turnover… “lack of training” is always high on the list.
Oh, by the way…Carol’s training was so effective, that she was one of the few deli managers that did not have to work overtime in order to maintain the standards in her department.

Carol’s 5-Step Recipe for Training:
1. Why?...tell the trainee why they are being trained; what’s in it for them.

2. How? them how to do it. (Be empathetic, try not to intimidate them with your expertise)

3. Try…let them try; it’s their turn. (be sure you are observing)

4. What?...tell them what they did right and what they need to improve on. Be positive!

5. Follow up and thank you…always check back with them to see how they are doing, thank them for learning something new and participating in the training process (step five was Carol’s “Midas Touch”)

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

“Copyright (9-7-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Friday, August 31, 2012

5 Easy Steps to Stop Procrastinating

Here are five ways to beat that bugaboo, procrastination:*

1. Start timing yourself: Procrastinators are often unrealistically low in estimating how long a project will take.   Then they get a late start, and the project cannot reasonably be completed on time.

2. Learn to use little bits and pieces of time. Poke holes in big jobs a little at a time. Think of large projects as conglomerations of small, easily achievable tacks.

3. Expect interruptions. Work them into your timetable. Don't let them keep you from coming back to your work.

4. Know your prime time and your limits. Tackle demanding projects when you are at your best.

5. Delegate. Many people resist delegating responsibilities to others. They believe they should be able to do everything themselves. Others think they and they alone can do it right. This attitude makes a project bigger and more difficult to tackle than it need be. When you're faced with something so big and threatening---it's easier to procrastinate.

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

“Copyright (8-31-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”
*Teamwork notes


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back to Leadership School?

Leaders: Take the Test
1= rarely or never
2= once in a while
3= sometimes
4= fairly often
5= very frequently or always

1. I seek out challenging opportunities that test my skills and abilities                           
2. I appeal to others to share my dream of the future as their own.

3. I involve others in planning the actions we will take.

4. I let others know my beliefs on how to best run the organization I lead.

5. I find ways to celebrate accomplishments.

6. I am consistent in practicing the values I espouse.

7. I get others to feel a sense of ownership for the projects they work on.

8. I look ahead and forecast what I expect the future to be like.

9. I look for innovative ways we can improve what we do in this organization.

10. I praise people for a job well done.

Add them up!
If your score is less than 42...its time to go back to school!

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's Book

“Copyright (8-28-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"High Cost of Losing a Customer / Client" *

1. In an average business, for every customer who bothers to complain, there are 26 other who remain silent.

2. The average "wronged" customer  will tell 8 to 16 people (over 10 percent will tell more than 20 people).

3. 91 percent of unhappy customers will never purchase goods or services from you again.

4. If you make an effort to remedy customers complaints, 82 percent to 95 percent of them will stay with you.

5. It costs about five times as much to attract a new customer as it costs to keep an old one.

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's book 

“Copyright (8-26-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

* From the studies conducted by Washington, D.C. based Technical Assistance Research Program Inc.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Motivational Pledge - Leadership in Action

I found this in my archives; it was written as a 'motivational pledge' for my store team, as an inspiration to maintain our #1 status in a corporate wide-year long competition...over the next 8 months, we stayed on top, and ended the year Number One!!!

"A true champion celebrates his success,
while at the same time acknowledges his vulnerabilities.
When you are the best,
you will be tested by the best.

You are number one and being chased by those who cannot accept defeat.
Know this…second place is the first loser,
don’t settle for anything less than number one.

Remember you can’t do it alone...
it's great to be a champion,
but it takes a TEAM to win a superbowl.
The challenge is now upon us:
WE must champion our Points Of Difference,
with a
Passionate and Enthusiastic Pursuit of Excellence!"
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Time Bestselling author
Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!

“Copyright (8-19-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Friday, August 10, 2012

Sense of Urgency- 5 Tips For Leaders

1). Reply to all emails, txt, and voice mails by the end of your business day.

2). Send thank you cards ASAP.

3). When you say, "Yes, I can help you."...then do it!

4). Deadlines?  Why do you think they call them "dead".

5). "Godspeed"... enough said.

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Time Bestselling author
Click here to purchase "Pecan Pie" 

“Copyright (8-10-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Calling all Entrepreneurs!....why do we do this?!

Yes, it is good that we examine things.
Yes, we need to be patient and cultivate business relationships.
Yes, we need due diligence with respect to weighing our options.

But what I am talking about is; when the ball is in our hand, not a defensive player is in sight, our Team is surrounding us, and yet, we are afraid to run!?
… because we might trip, fumble, or not make it to the end zone?

*** Here are 7 great quotes about procrastination.
Read them, and then read them again…and oh by the way…read them one more time.

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”
Abraham Lincoln

“How soon not now, becomes never.”
Martin Luther (1483-1546) German priest and scholar. 

"Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy."
Wayne Gretzky

"Even if you’re on the right track-you’ll get run over if you just sit there."
Will Rogers

“One of these days, is none of these days.”

“I remember reading somewhere about an organization called Procrastinators Anonymous. I think they had been in existence for some years but had never gotten around to having a meeting.”
Unknown Source 

“By not making a decision, you have made one.”
Bob Gambone - The Pecan Pie Guy.

 *** So come on entrepreneurs! Get the lead out of your butt and head for the end zone!

Now Available...My Book!

"Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!"

BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM --click on link below.
Click here for Pecan Pie

“Copyright (8-05 -2012) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Great Insights

-What gets measured, gets done…what gets measured and shared, gets improved.

-If you do not have a destination (goal), any road you take will get you there.

-Live not to measure the length of the journey, live for the destination and the journey will measure itself.

-If your memories are bigger than your future, then its time to turn things around.

-Do what you love, Love what you do, and Share that love with everyone!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Humanity of a Real Book

As a very young child, I remember sitting by the fireplace watching my mom read. She loved books.
From romance novels to history books, my mom read everything.

I would often sit beside her and just watch her turn the pages. She would sometimes read to me, and sometimes let me hold the book and read to her.
Books were in every room of our home. Old books, new books…books with bookmarks in them,
books on bookshelves, in the bathroom, kitchen and even “do-it-yourself” books in the garage.
I love the feel, the look and even the smell of a real book.

Mom died 12 years ago…I was left with her books.

The other day I picked up one her favorites “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway.
As I skimmed through the pages, I read some comments my mom made (she often did that) and a warm feeling came over me… this book touched my mom, she touched every page, she read every word and now this book touches me.

When I released my book “Pecan Pie” (dedicated to my Mom), I refused to have it published electronically. For the many of you that asked why…I think you now know the answer.

Books are for written for humanity, and nothing can replace the humanity of a real book.

My "Real" book  PECAN PIE, now available on, clink on link below
Click here for a sample  

“Copyright (7-19-12) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day for Micromanagers

Author: Michelle Braden from The Leadership Courseware Blog
7 Steps to Overcoming the Addiction of Micromanagement
  1. Recognize that micromanagement causes people to become resentful or turn their brains off: Why should they think if you are doing all the thinking for them?
  2. Become the leader of the team and not the star performer.
  3. Get to know your team members individually, learn what their strengths are and how to motivate them.
  4. Trust that they are able to succeed in their own way, and give them the room to grow and develop.
  5. Create a safe environment for innovation, creative ideas and new processes.
  6. Keep  in mind that NO ONE is motivated by micromanagement, no matter what the reason.
  7. Never be afraid to have a team of people who are smarter than you. When the team shines, the leader shines!
All aspects of the leadership journey are part of an insightful learning process. We never “arrive” and we are always gathering new information to apply. As leaders, it is meaningful to reflect on our journeys, seeking ways to improve our methods and style. As you reflect on your own journey, ask yourself what you have learned and how you can help new managers along the way.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Beware of The Grazers!

In the supermarket business, we call people who eat all the samples and rarely purchase anything, Grazers.
Guess what?!.... Grazers are everywhere! And to the small businessperson they can eat you alive!

How do you recognize a Grazer? Here are 3 Red Lights!

1.Grazers attend your free seminars, sometimes two or three times but they never commit.
They are very friendly, give you great feedback, and then suddenly they are gone!

2. Grazers love to schedule first meetings with you. They make the meeting all about you; sometimes surprise you by bringing a business partner. Grazers ask you a lot a questions about yourself and particularly all about your business, but when you try to have a follow up meeting to find out more about their business, they make it almost impossible to meet again, or they cancel right before the second meeting.

3. And then there are the EGrazers. They remind me of the people who would eat the sample and then want to fill out an “incident report” claiming they choked or got sick. EGrazers eat up all of your information you have posted on the internet and then use it for their own profit.

What can we do to prevent Grazing? Nothing!, but you can slow it down.

1. Charge a fee for seminar (adds value) and reimburse the fee with purchase.

2. Have an agenda for your meeting or at least know when to stop talking about you and then start asking about them. Say something like, “hey, enough about me for now, let’s talk about you.”

3. Make sure your information on the web is protected, copyright, trademark, etc… best to talk to an expert on this matter.

Al Sandonato, a mentor of mine once said… “Gambone, Grazers will eat everything and never buy anything.”

I would love to continue this discussion. Please email me at

***This is just a sample!... if you would like a full slice of "Pecans of Wisdom", be sure to indulge yourself in my book,
"Pecan Pie, 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order." 
Available on, click on link below
Click here for Pecan Pie 

“Copyright (6-15-2012) by Robert V. Gambone Sr.”

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Big Al

The story was, you hated him, feared him or loved him…I was all three.

His name was Al. 

Al started in retail when he was thirteen and fifty years later died in action.

Al was an old school retail manager who believed that no one could be trusted and everyone should put his or her career first before family.

Al worked 80 hours a week, was a master micro-manager and believed that his day was not over until he fired someone or at least made an employee cry.

Okay, so you ask, WHY did I love this guy? Not for any of the above things, that is why I hated him and feared him. I loved him because I was able to translate his prehistoric management style into lessons that I still utilize today.

Three Lessons from Big Al

1). Al used to say, “The best and easiest recognition program is to have NO recognition program at all.”
            Translation: Employee recognition programs must be managed,  be fair and be consistent or your results could actually weaken employee morale.

2). When Al said, “Just because I’m pissed off at you, doesn’t mean you can walk around here with your tail between your legs.”
            Translation: Wear a smile and have a positive attitude; no one wants to work for a “Debbie-Downer” manager.

3). One day Al looked me right in the eyes and said, “I’m too old to change now Gambone, what you see is what you get…”
             Translation: I always knew where I stood with Al. Al taught me that leaders need to be right up front with people by providing balanced,  fair and concise feedback.

My 18 months as Al’s co-manager was very stressful, yet very rewarding.
Take a few moments to reflect on your old boss, teacher or coach…dig deep and I am sure you will find a few sunny days somewhere in that storm.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Specific is Terrific

Attention BNI Members!
"A good referral for me is words. Please find me 19 words in the puzzle below without looking at the answers below the puzzle......... Kinda tough,  right?     It may take you a long time and most of you will give up.

BUT...  so much easier to find the words when I give you a "specific" list like the one below the puzzle.

This is the same mental process when asking for has been proven that when you ask for a specific person, place, or business, you are helping your chapter members qualify the referral more effectively and efficiently.
"Specific is Terrific!"




Thursday, April 26, 2012

Three "Gives" for 2012

Give people confidence; by reminding acquaintances of your name.

Give people hope; by answering your phone “… how can I help you?”

Give people peace of mind; by confirming receipt of their email or txt.

 For more information on how to strategically implement the above tactics, please contact me:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Make ‘em Laugh…But Don’t Tell Jokes!

Yes, laughter is the best medicine.
And yes, laughter is a great icebreaker when you are speaking to an audience.
HOWEVER… in today’s politically correct climate and social sensitivity, telling jokes is not the way to go.

Why? Odds are you might offend someone.

I suggest telling funny stories about you, we all have them.

“Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.”…or amusing.

“Copyright (4-13-2012) by Robert V. Gambone Sr.”


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Find Your “Role-Mate”

Business consultants worldwide strongly encourage entrepreneurs to seek out and develop relationships with “accountability partners” to help the entrepreneur/ business owner stay on track.

Quite often, these “accountability partnerships” quickly fade away because some fundamental requirements were never put into place.
A “Role-Mate” takes the accountability relationship to the next level and creates a sustained partnership of trust and success.

Here are three fundamental requirements that you need to look for in recruiting a “Role–Mate.”

1). Vision: your Role-Mate needs to believe in you and trust that your vision is realistic and achievable.

2). Courage: you must be open and willing to receive unconditional advice. Your “Role-Mate” needs to be professional and friendly, but never your best friend.

3). Leadership: Your “Role-Mate” must be a leader. Leaders inspire you to do things you may not necessarily want to do, but need to do.

How about you? What are some of your basic requirements for a “Role-Mate” ?
I would love to hear from you….email me:


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Communicating to Our Customers / Clients: Drop the Acronyms and Industry Speak!

Did you ever answer a customer's / client's question and receive a very confused look from them in return?

A few years back a customer asked me why we were out of a particular item.
My answer was, “I know that we “surveyed” that item, but I think it was either “scratched” or on “allocation.”
The customer gave me the same look (deer in headlights) I gave the young doctor when he told me that my “diastolic” number was fine but he was concerned about my “systolic” number.

The point is,  we need to communicate to our customers / clients on their terms. Many of us with retail experience use words like “discontinued”, “selector error”, “focus item” “shipper” "drop-ship" ... just to name a few...and acronyms like "OOS" "CSS" "POS" ...what do these mean to our customers? Nothing!

Knowledge of the your business is good, but the ability to successfully communicate and have your customers / clients understand you is excellence!

This presents an unique opportunity to “raise the bar” in customer /client communications and in conversations with those that may not be related to your specific industry.


Friday, February 24, 2012

So What is Your Business Saying?

By Christopher S. Musuneggi, VP of Business Development, The Musuneggi Financial Group

The goal for any business owner is to be a leader in their industry. When the business owner leads, clients and customers follow. Many businesses fall short of this goal because they don’t recognize what their business is “saying” to those they want to attract.

Recently a few new businesses opened near our office. One afternoon, my business partners decided they would venture out for a walk and visit these shops.

The first one they came to had a name that would make you assume that it was a store that sold decorative household items. But on entering the store, they discovered it was a women’s accessories store. As they looked around no one greeted them, and the woman they thought to be the owner stayed behind the counter on the phone making plans for the weekend.

Feeling ignored, they finally left still not having been acknowledged; and with the message that customers were really not important there.

The next store they went to was a flower shop and the doorway was blocked by a small gate. They peeked over the gate not seeing any sales person or owner. But they did see two small dogs running around – obviously the reason for the gate. Although they had to assume the owner was trying to keep the dogs in and not customers out, the message it was sending was just the opposite.

They called out “Hello” and the owner finally came out from the back of the building. She told them to move the gate or step over it and come in. When they did the owner laughed and commented that the dogs thought they owned the store. From all indications it was obvious they did.

Recently I needed to call a company to place an order for a piece of equipment for our firm. When the phone answered, the recording on the other end said that no one was available to take the call; but to press 0 if I was in need of immediate assistance. I pressed 0 only to hear a recording that said “0 is not an option.” To say the least I hung up and I called a different company.

So what were these businesses saying? “We don’t want to make it easy for you to do business with us,” or “We don’t want you to think you are important to us.”

If you own a small business and you want to be seen as a leader in your industry you want to rise above the competition. To do this you need to say things to attract your buyers.

So what is your business saying?

To learn more about The Musuneggi Financial Group and how they help businesses make wise decisions with their money while sending the right message to clients and customers, visit their website at,
or call 412-341-288 for a complimentary consultation.

Securities & Investment Advisory Services Offered Through H. Beck, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC. H. Beck, Inc. and The Musuneggi Financial Group, LLC are not affiliated.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Humanity of a Real Book

As a very young child, I remember sitting by the fireplace watching my mom read. She loved books.
From romance novels to history books, my mom read everything.

I would often sit beside her and just watch her turn the pages. She would sometimes read to me, and sometimes let me hold the book and read to her.
Books were in every room of our home. Old books, new books…books with bookmarks in them,
books on bookshelves, in the bathroom, kitchen and even “do-it-yourself” books in the garage.
I love the feel, the look and even the smell of a real book.

Mom died 12 years ago…I was left with her books.

The other day I picked up one her favorites “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway.
As I skimmed through the pages, I read some comments my mom made (she often did that) and a warm feeling came over me… this book touched my mom, she touched every page, she read every word and now this book touches me.

When I released my book “Pecan Pie” (dedicated to my Mom), I refused to have it published electronically. For the many of you that asked why…I think you now know the answer.

Books are for written for humanity, and nothing can replace the humanity of a real book.

Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's book 

“Copyright (2-18-2012) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

Friday, February 17, 2012

What Ever Happened to... “You Are Welcomed" ?

Just last week, I had someone open the door for me, I said “Thank you!” …his response, “Sure”.

Then the server at lunch brought me an extra napkin. I said “ Thank you”…she replied, “Don’t mention it”.

Next, I dropped my pen at the bank, the person behind me picked it up and handed it to me, I said “Thank you,” he said… “No problem”

“No problem” ?  ... Well I’m glad I wasn’t a problem!

“Don’t mention it” ?… Okay guess what, I did!

“Sure” ? … Sure of what?

When a person says, “you are welcomed” or even “you’re welcomed,” they are basically saying thank you to you for thanking them and responding with politeness.

Leadership lesson?  Yes!
Saying “you are welcomed” is letting the person know that you are thankful to them for giving you the opportunity to help them.

"Leadership is Giving" ---- Sven Goebel


Saturday, February 11, 2012

No Pain, No Gain

By Darren Hardy, the visionary force behind SUCCESS magazine as its Publisher and Editorial Director.

My dad taught me to snow ski when I was 6 years old. By the time I was eight, I was skiing on my own. At the end of a full ski day, I eagerly announced, “Dad, I didn’t fall once all day!” My dad replied, “If you didn’t fall, you didn’t get any better.” What? This was the opposite response I was expecting and hoping for. The bewildered look on my face compelled him to elaborate, “If you are going to get better, you have to push yourself. If you push yourself, you are going to fall.”

My dad was a former university football coach, so we had a full Olympic standard weight set in our garage. On the wall he had painted, “No Pain, No Gain.” To build bigger muscles, you have to inflict pain on them, literally tearing down the fibers of the muscles and bringing them to the point of failure. That’s actually the goal. Then in recovery, the fibers will rebuild bigger and stronger than they were before. Building a muscle is a lot like the process of building success in life.

I owe much of the success I have been able to achieve to my dad and this philosophy. My dad taught me it was not only OK to [fall], but it was proof you were improving. I never saw setbacks, obstacles, rejection or even pain as things to avoid; rather, they were markers on the journey toward greatness and should be appreciated, even celebrated. – DH

"Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fall in order to practice being brave." Mary Tyler Moore

“It’s not how many times you fall or how many times you get up, the true measure of success is knowing that falling IS NOT failing.” - BG

“Never let a day go by without falling. Several times.” - DH


Friday, February 3, 2012

The 58-35-7 Rule

A potential client asked me the other day;

“Bob, I heard you prefer face-to-face coaching only, is that true? If yes, why?

“Yes! I answered with sincere confidence and then went on to say…

Most people do not realize that, based on research, it has been established that:
  1. The content (what you say) of your communication is only 7% of the actual message.
  2. Your tone of voice (how you say it) represents 35% of the message.
  3. Your body language (non-verbal) represents 58% of how your total message is received.
So, why face-to-face? Because in order to customize my coaching experience to your needs and goals, I believe, only a face-to-face approach will achieve the required results.
Face-to-face is what I do and what my clients deserve.

 Dan,The Umbrella Man, Barie (a client of mine) said it best, "…I would leave every [coaching session], re-energized and equipped to conquer the business world. "

“Copyright (2-3-2012) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”


Friday, January 27, 2012

Roads of Success

Some time ago, a client of mine asked me, what is the difference between a coach and a consultant? ...a teacher and a trainer? ...and a mentor and a coach?
He inspired me to write the following:

The Roads of Success

Show me the road,
and you are my teacher.

Show me how to travel the road,
and you are my trainer.

Show me the road that you traveled successfully,
and you are my mentor.

Show me the road that you have improved for me to travel successfully,
and you are my consultant.

Show me the road that you and I will travel together successfully,
and you are my coach.

***This is just a sample!... be sure to indulge yourself in my book:
"Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order"

BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM --click on link below.
click here for Pie

“Copyright (1-27-2012) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”


Monday, January 23, 2012

Riddle Me This! (Leaders need to have fun too!)

Three men rent a hotel room. Each pays $10 for a total of $30 spent on the room.

The next day the hotel owner tells the three men that they over paid for the room as it only costs $25.

The three men tell the owner to give them each a dollar back and he can keep two dollars.

If you do the math, each man paid $9 a piece for the room for a total of $27. The owner kept $2 which brings the total to $29.

The question is where did the other dollar go?

Email  for the answer.  


Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Role of Leadership in Referral Marketing

By Michelle R. Donovan

"Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen." - Alan Keith of Genentech

The usual complaints I hear from business professionals include phrases like “My clients don’t refer me”, “My networking group is not productive”, and “I give way more referrals than I receive”. If “leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute”, then it would stand to reason that if we want to lead our referral results, we need to create ways for people to contribute to our referral efforts.

Leadership means that you’ve got to be proactive and productive in enabling people to refer you. You’ve got to make it easy for others to refer you or quite frankly, they won’t. You’ve got to give them the tools they need to be successful at referring you and empower them to use those tools. You’ve got to literally create the ways for people to contribute because without your help, they won’t or they can’t.

Not sure what I mean? Here are two things that you can do today to make it easy for other people to refer you.

1) Create a template email that other people can use to introduce you to someone they think might be a good prospect for you. Send this email to your top referral sources and ask them to simply cut and paste (modify as needed) when they want to promote you.

2) Create a list of the top ten ways that other people can refer you. Give that list to your primary referral sources. Use this as an educational tool when meeting with them and ask them for their top ten list too!

This definition also refers to “making something extraordinary happen”. There’s no question that when you effectively lead your referral network, extraordinary things will happen not only for you, but for the others in your network as well. It’s a win-win situation. Ordinary behaviors create ordinary results. This is probably what you’ve been experiencing. Extraordinary behaviors create extraordinary results. This is what I want you to experience.
 Leadership is about helping people to achieve results they never possibly could imagine. It’s about leading and guiding yourself and others beyond your perceived finish line. Leadership is all about taking action! Begin to take action today and lead your referral network to refer you like you’ve never experienced before!

If you wish to know more about getting high quality referrals for your business, you can reach Michelle at 412-741-1926 or at
 Michelle R. Donovan is the International Best Selling Author of The 29% Solution.
Visit Michelle’s websites at

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Three "Gives" For 2012

Give them confidence;  by reminding acquaintances of your name.

Give them hope;  by answering your phone  “… how can I help you?”

Give the peace of mind;  by confirming receipt of their email or txt.

For more information on how to strategically implement the above tactics, please contact me: