Monday, August 19, 2013

Who’s Your “Blankie”?

A very good friend of mine shared a great story with me a few months back. Her daughter, a very successful business entrepreneur, called her in a frantic and wanted to know when her “blankie” would be repaired.

“Blankie” was a blanket, hand sewn by her mother, and given to her on her second birthday. Now thirty-three years old, married, owner of a business, mother of two, and still relying on her “blankie” for security and comfort (especially for falling asleep at night)...well, she was in a panic because she had been without her "blankie" for three days.

Now before you stop reading this and thinking this is silly…hear me out!

Most successful people, that I know, have a “blankie” in one form or another.
Why not?! If an object brings us warmth, inspiration, security, happiness and hope…I say, got for it!

Recently I conducted my own little survey among some of my closest friends. Their “blankie”?  
Here are their answers:
  • -          Carries a picture of his dog in his wallet.
  • -          Bible in her purse.
  • -          Teddy bear given to her by her dad.
  • -          Cross hanging on lamp near his bed.
  • -          Lucky coin in his wallet.
  • -          Christmas pillow made by her grandmother.
  • -          Birthday pillow made by his mother.
  • -          Picture of her entire family taken at a reunion, placed safely on her mantel.
  • -          First love letter from her husband.
  • -          Blue scarf given to him, from his childhood sweetheart.
  • -          Mine?   My three marathon medals draped over the baby pictures of my three children.

So…….Who’s your “blankie”?

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