Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Entrepreneurs need a “Secret Recipe”

Entrepreneurial experts around the world continue to debate over why small businesses fail, however they do agree on one thing; now more than ever entrepreneurs need to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.***

We have all heard the buzzwords:


“Point of Difference” (POD)

“Unique Selling Proposition” (USP)

“Secret Recipe” (from yours truly)

Think about this; every Fortune 500 company has a brand, a trademark and a tagline. Did you ever ask yourself, why?... Yes!...we all know the answer!
Because it is a fundamental business strategy!

So why do millions of entrepreneurs fail to create a “Secret Recipe”?

David F. D’Alessandro (best selling author ) says it best:

~ A business based on brand is, very simply, a business primed for success. ~

***Sources: Small Business Administration,,


Monday, November 19, 2012

Strange But True! Thanksgiving Stories- Very Funny

You can’t make this stuff up!

Three bizarre stories from my store manager days.

1). Irate customer phone call:
“Hello is this the store manager?”
“Yes, this is Bob the store manager, how can I help you?”
“You’re dam right you can help me…I’m about ready to call the F***ing police!!!”
“I’m sorry sir, what happen?”
“Someone placed a very sharp dangerous dart into our turkey, and I almost ate the frickin’ thing!”
“Really?, can you describe it?
“Yes, it’s white, about 3 inches long and has a sharp tip.”
“Sir…I think that might be the Pop-Up Timer?”
……long pause, then nothing…customer hung up.

2). Irate customer approached me with a bag in her hands:
“Excuse me, are you the store manager?”
“Why yes, how can I help you?”
“Here, you take this bag…and I want a double your money back on the turkey, it was terrible!”
“Ma’am, this bag is filled with empty bones.”
“That’s right, I had people over for Thanksgiving…we had to eat something!”

3). Customer phone call…she is whispering:
“Hello, store manager?”
“Yes, this is Bob, how may I help you?”
“ I wanted to call you first before I notified your regional office so you can check the other turkeys.”
“Check the other turkeys?”
“Yes…I was cleaning my turkey and getting it ready, and I found a bag of stuff in the turkey, I don’t know what it is, it looks like parts of rats or something…I think someone is trying to poison people, you know like that Tylenol thing.”
“I’m sorry this has frightened you, do you still have the packing and cooking instructions?, sometimes they are on the outside cover.”
“How about reading them to me. I want to make sure you got all the details.”
“Don’t give me the run-around, I want something done about this!”
“Please, just read the instructions, thank you.”
…the next sound I heard was the dial tone.

Like I said…you can’t make this stuff up!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to Handle Customer Complaints

The LAST technique for handling customer complaints has been around for some time and you can Google to find several versions.

I have had great success with what I call the LAST-C Process.
Bottom Line: not only will you decrease customer complaints, you will gain more business as a result of using this process.

Acronym defined:

L- Listen


S-Suggest a Solution

T- Thank

C- Communicate

Want more information?  Read Bob's book...
 Pecan Pie: 32 Business Success Strategies Passionately Baked To Order!
"A must read!" Ivan Misner New York Times Bestselling author
BY IT NOW on AMAZON.COM  click on link below
Click here to purchase Bob's book 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

10 Tips for Keeping Customers/Clients for Life

  1. The secret to winning and keeping customers / clients is to reward them. "Reward what you want repeated."
  2. Forget about selling. People love to buy but hate to be sold. Concentrate on helping customers / clients buy what's best for them.
  3. The greatest customer / client you'll ever win is you, because the best salesperson is the true believer.
  4. The only two things people ever buy are good feelings and solutions to problems.
  5. Remember, when you come in contact with a customer / client, YOU are the company brand.
  6. When it comes to service; walk the talk. "Well done is always better than well said."
  7. Ask: "how are we doing?" "how can we get better?"
  8. The 5 B's: Be reliable, Be credible, Be attractive, Be responsible, Be emphatic.
  9. Listen, Listen, Listen!
  10. Thank, thank, thank!