Thursday, July 29, 2010

What Is YOUR Bottom Line Focus?

Single Focus -Good:

-Strategies geared towards a strong bottom line enabling financial stability benefiting your shareholders / owners.

Dual Focus- Better: (weighted equally)

1). Strategies geared towards maintaining a strong bottom line enabling financial stability for your shareholders / owners.

2). Strategies designed to sustain your customers and employees by meeting their requirements.

Triple Bottom Line Focus- BEST: People, Public, Profit (weighted equally)

1). Strategies geared towards maintaining a strong bottom line enabling financial stability for your shareholders / owners.

2). Strategies designed to sustain your customers and employees by meeting their requirements.

3). Strategies that support your community goals and in turn your community will support your company.

***This is just a sample!... if you would like a "full-slice" of passion, be sure to indulge yourself in my upcoming book, "Pecan Pie", fresh from the oven, early this fall!...stay tuned!“Copyright (7-15-2010) by Robert V Gambone Sr.”

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