---Foundations For Building Your Strategies---
Leaders are always on stage. Their attitudes are contagious. Their attitudes have the power to create an epidemic of negativity or success.
Leaders pull their teams “up the hill”, face them, and do not turn their backs. Old school managers push employees.
Leaders develop others. Leaders understand when people need to be led and when to let people take the lead.
Drop the word Change (negative connotation) and replace with Continuous Improvement.
Need a consistent and credible W.I.I.F.M. (What's In It For Me)
Listen to concerns, be empathetic….but stay the course.
The organization’s customer service must add value to the customers’ lives. Your customers must feel good about their relationship with your organization.
The organization’s customer service must add value to the employees’ lives. Your employees must feel good about their relationship with your customers.
Customer Service is not work. It is an integral part of everyone’s job, practiced by all team members, and modeled by leaders at all times.
Grass roots development (pilot), plant the seed with the front line employees and with guidance have them grow the ideas, creates ownership….then recognize the individuals or teams.
A top-level commitment to invest in “true” training.
(5-step process; Intro, show, try, feedback, follow up)
Sustain the process by instilling a continuous improvement mentality and start building a bridge for that improvement to avoid “flavor of the month” ‘isms.
First, revisit the above 4 foundation skills to determine the current state of the organization.
- Business turnaround often calls for leadership changes, improved change management skills, ratcheted up customer service, and the introduction of new initiatives.
- The organization must identify a vision and constantly focus on its achievement. Invite ideas and actions from everyone.
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